Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Aqua/Terra MODIS

The MODIS instrument is operating on both the Terra and Aqua spacecraft. It has a viewing swath width of 2,330 km and views the entire surface of the Earth every one to two days. Its detectors measure 36 spectral bands between 0.405 and 14.385 µm, and it acquires data at three spatial resolutions -- 250m, 500m, and 1,000m.

More information about obtaining MODIS data can be found from the information sites listed below. The URL's for these sources of data are as follows:

MODIS Level 1 data, geolocation, cloud mask, and Atmosphere products:

MODIS land products:

MODIS cryosphere products:

MODIS ocean color and sea surface temperature products:

Teman-teman yang tertarik belajar dan memanfaatkan data penginderaan jauh Aqua/Terra MODIS bisa didownload datanya dari situs-situs di atas.
Dari situs download modis, baik aqua maupun terra modis bisa kita dapat dari level 1 hingga level 3..it's all free download..so why not??

what can we do for our nation??
yang notabene merupakan wilayah kepulauan dengan wilayah perairannya begitu luas...daratannya begitu subur...kondisi iklimnya yang tropis..

banyak fenomena sudah terekam..tapi sudahkah kita pelajari ???

Keep study and do the best..


Aji PP
"gis'er cakep 'n raster maniax"

source information : http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/