Friday, June 27, 2008


Apakah temen2 sudah ada yang punya ArcGIS 9.3???

adakah sesuatu yang baru di ArcGIS 9.3??
bisakah di instal di LINUX??

Mari berbagi informasi...

cuplikan dari ESRI tentang ArcGIS 9.3 :

What's New in ArcGIS 9.3

With ArcGIS 9.3 you can improve your entire GIS workflow. ArcGIS 9.3 includes tools and functionality to help you:

* Manage spatial information more efficiently.
* Make better maps.
* Share common operating information.
* Send and receive real-time information to and from the field.
* Perform better planning and analysis.

Tampaknya banyak hal-hal baru muncul di ArcGIS 9.3...

let's solve our spatial matters.

sumber :